Step by Step
There are 2 ways to visualize the productivity of your projects in Pluriell:
From the screen of a project in the "Productivity" tab
From the services screen in the "Productivity" tab
Practical Information
Pluriell allows you to track the productivity of your projects by comparing the estimated time of your project phases with the worked time, encoded from the service module.
From the service screen, you'll have an overview of all the projects in your environment. If needed, you can click on the project line and be redirected to the details of that specific project.
Note: This feature is available from version 2.0 onwards.
TIPS : A graphical view is available in the detailed view to visualize the comparison between estimated time and worked time. To do this, click on the "Graph" icon at the top right.
*Wondering which version you're in? Check the bottom of the page where we mention the version of your environment. For example, if you're in the previous version, you'll see "Copyright © 2022 Pluriell version 1.36.0 All rights reserved".